I was texting with my friend John Fink, a firearms and optics expert who works for Trijicon. I am fixing to mount a couple of world-class Accupoint scopes on new rifles, and asked John’s advice for doing so. His reply:
You typically want to mount a scope as low as possible on a rifle. The height of the rings you’ll need is determined by the objective diameter of the scope.
Good rule of thumb is mount a scope as low as possible without the objective bell touching the barrel, and at the back end, allowing clearance at the eyepiece for free operation of the bolt. A low mount makes the scope rock solid, and leads to good accuracy.
In the picture, note the low-mount profile of the Accupoint 3X-9X by 40mm scope on this Remington Model 783. Looks great and that is one of the most solid and accurate deer rigs I hunt with.
John and I produced a video on how to mount a scope click here to watch.