Big Deer Blog

8 09, 2024

Deer Science: Bucks Change Bedding Sites Every 6 to 10 Hours

2024-09-08T12:02:06-04:00September 8th, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Deer Hunting, Deer Science, whitetail deer|0 Comments

In a recent study, Understanding Buck Movement, scientists at the vaunted Mississippi State Deer Lab found that each day during hunting season, mature bucks use many different resting and bedding areas rather than one major sanctuary. The MSU researchers tracked GPS-collared adult bucks and found out that they visit and revisit different “focal areas” within a property with varying levels of regularity throughout hunting season. While the biologists could not determine exactly why the bucks frequented these areas, they believe that, based on slow and concentrated movement data emitted from the tracking collars, that the bucks were most likely bedding and resting in one spot before getting up and moving to another focal area. Nearly all the adult bucks in [...]

2 09, 2024

18 Hunting Questions Answered

2024-09-02T14:32:47-04:00September 2nd, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Bowhunting, Deer Guns & Loads, Deer Hunting, whitetail deer|0 Comments

I've answered thousands of questions from people who read my articles and blog over the years, here's a random sampling" What are pheromones? Pheromones are chemical substances in the urine and glandular secretions of deer. They serve as stimuli to other deer for behavioral responses. Many biologists believe that pheromones emitted by does trigger the peak of the rut and throw bucks into major breeding mode. I’ve got one buck tag and 2 days left to hunt. What is my best tactic? First, find what deer are eating right now. A patch of standing corn or a pocket of late-falling acorns is nirvana. And re-check a harvested grain field or food plot where you hunted early in season. Even though [...]

29 08, 2024

Is Mike Hanback a Tattoo Artist?

2024-08-28T13:31:57-04:00August 29th, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, sportsman channel|0 Comments

I have gotten some weird emails in the many years I’ve been doing this blog, none stranger than this one: Hey Mike: I'm reaching out to you because we are getting a lot of job leads for tattoo artists, and I'm looking for another tattoo artist who is interested in taking on more clients. After checking out your website I think you are a great fit for us and I'd love to start sending you job leads. Please fill out a few details about your skills and rates, and I'll start forwarding you potential new clients. Thanks, Heather Hmm, if this inflation and mortgage rates don't get better soon, I might have to think about it. I suppose I’d specialize [...]

26 08, 2024

Feeders and Blinds for Texas Deer Hunting

2024-08-24T13:05:26-04:00August 26th, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Deer Hunting, whitetail deer|0 Comments

An estimated 5.3 million whitetails inhabit 252 of the 254 counties in Lone Star State. Texas hunters shoot more than 800,000 deer (does and bucks combined) a year. While there are no stats to back me up, I feel confident saying at least 95% of those deer are shot from towers and box blinds positioned to watch corn feeders. Feeder and Blind Strategies “This is Texas, feeders have long been part of our hunting heritage,” says my friend Wren Munsterman, who has managed and hunted ranches in all geographical regions of the state. Wren says, “My main strategy regarding stands and feeder placement is twofold: first, to avoid shooting into a rising or setting sun during the hours of peak deer movement, [...]

20 08, 2024

Deer Hunt How-To: Look Deep in Shadows for a Big Buck

2024-08-16T14:26:23-04:00August 20th, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Deer Hunting, sportsman channel, trijicon, whitetail deer|0 Comments

I hiked, sweating, a mile and climbed into a ground blind at 2:00 p.m on a warm, windy December Afternoon. Around 4:00 the wind laid and my tent blind stopped flapping. Two does came out and started to feed. Over the next hour, 6 more does and a 4-pointer joined them. With 20 minutes of legal shooting light left, I glassed deep into the tree shadows behind the does and spotted tall tines. When you spot a shooter, no need to look longer, you just know. The giant ambled in like he owned the joint and checked a doe on his left, then pushed a couple does to his right. The second he stopped broadside, I killed him with one [...]

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