WI hupf and gerrits bucks

Two years ago I posted this blog on the 14-point typical monster shot by Dusty Gerrits in Fond du Lac Country one November day in 2012. It net-scored 189 3/8 inches, and at the time was the new state record. I was so impressed with that buck that the next summer I went up and filmed a BIG DEER TV segment with Dusty at his hunting cabin.

This past October 11, a 13-pointer shot by Wisconsin bowhunter Adam Hupf edged out the Gerrits buck to become the new state archery record for typical bucks. After the mandatory 60-day drying period, the Hupf rack was panel-scored in Green Bay and measured an official 191 6/8 inches.

Yesterday I got this email and exclusive photo from Dusty:

Mike, thought you might enjoy this photo. Adam Hupf shot the buck in Dodge County (one county south of mine). I actually know of him through a conservation club we belong to in Beaver Dam. Adam and I don’t live that far apart, so we got together for a few beers and shared some stories.–Dusty

Cool shot, Adam’s new #1 (left) and Dusty and his #2 giant. Hope to get the full story of Adam’s hunt and post it on BIG DEER in the future.