Got these 4 emails and pictures recently:

4 big bucks 1

From Ronald: Mike, here’s a buck a good friend of mine shot during Ohio’s Gun Season.

4 big bucks 2

From Josh M.: Mike,  I really enjoy your show Big Deer TV. I thought you might like to see my biggest buck to date. A 155″ gross taken on Nov. 25th in eastern Oklahoma. He gave me a shot when he came to investigate my snort-wheeze and grunts. My 15 year old son was with me on this hunt so that made it even more special to me.

4 big bucks 3

From Bob: Mike, this beauty refused to come in range during Iowa’s first gun season. Unfortunately it’s just a 5 day season for non-residents. Best I can hope for is to draw again next year and hope our paths cross again (about 200 yards. closer).

4 big bucks 4

From Kevin in VA: This buck we named “Junior”…this is my first daylight pic of him. He disappeared for a couple weeks and I feared someone shot him, but he appeared on Thanksgiving Day 75 yards from my stand…unfortunately I was in the clubhouse getting ready for some turkey…