Special thanks to South Dakota hunter Kelly Kirsch for this awesome picture. Kelly told me he’d come up with an idea for his shed collection, and this tree blew me away. The shed tree made its debut last Christmas, and has now become official Christmas tree of BIG DEER!
Thanks to all you bloggers for making 2014 our biggest traffic year yet for BIG DEER blog. And the TV show had great ratings too. I truly appreciate your support, and look forward to 2015 (we’re working on some cool new stuff).
Merry Christmas and happy New Year. God bless you and your family…and if you’re still hunting a buck, good luck.—M.H.
Thanks Mike – Merry Christmas to all!! Still have until Jan 3rd to take one of the big boys on the farm. Hoping to posy some pics of a bruiser.
good luck to all & safe hunting.
likewise, thanks Mike for giving us a platform to exchange our stories!
all the best
Kclap from VA
Merry Christmas Mike and everyone on here!!! Have a blessed 2015 too
Thanks Mike. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to your family all of the deer hunter bloggers across the country. Mike, as Dean put it so well, thanks for providing the format for all of us deer chasers to meet and discuss hunting. Enjoy every minute of it because of the time you took putting this all together. Here’s to hoping 2015 brings good luck and big bucks to all!
A Very Merry Christmas to all the Big Deer bloggers. Thanks for a great place to come chat, share our enthusiasms, and just all things whitetail. God Bless all y’all Big Deer hunters and everyone else. Thanks for having a fun place to talk, Mike. I know I enjoy the heck out of participating here.