Today’s blog from North Carolina bowhunter Brad Duke, who had a dream season in 2014. This is the story of Brad’s second archery giant on BIG DEER!
“I have been hunting Ohio for 4 years now, passing buck after buck, wanting a true giant.
This past year my good friend Brian (we met in Ohio on a hunt one time) got hold of some very good property, so we leased it and set up cams in June. Right away had several shooters on camera– wide ones, heavy ones, drop tines, you name it!
Several hunts went by with no luck…until my November hunt on the 11th to 13th, when I had several pics of a buck we called ‘The Wide 10’ in daylight! I knew this was the time.
I saw him on November 12th at 80 yards out of range. He jumped a popular fence crossing as he exited our lease, so for the next day, I moved my stand toward the fence crossing, to a perfect ambush spot. Entering the area next morning, I covered the place with fresh estrous scent and climbed into the stand. Within 2 minutes the buck was standing under me at 8 yards, mouth hung open and breathing heavy, fully rut-crazed by the estrous smell of the scent wick that was only inches from his nose! I drew back my Whisper Creek and doubled-lunged him at 8 yards…so close all 5 of my pens were aiming in the pump house.
What a buck he was…262 pounds with a 22″ wide rack and 14 points on main-frame 10, with 4 daggers on the bases.
It doesn’t seem real after I killed Stickers (161”) on opening day back home, and now this. Wow is all I can say, and thank the Lord for my dream season.—Brad Duke
Nice buck! Everyones dream season. Congrats!
Wow! What a great deer and a truly outstanding season for you Brad. Congratulations. Midwest still has ’em doesn’t it?
Brad congratulations buddy! That is one heck of a season and I’m sure you put countless hours and resources into taking these amazing bucks. I have been chasing a monster 125″ coues deer out here in Arizona and have yet to close the deal. He was just out of bow range yesterday when he was at 150 yards, but the rut is on out here with these desert deer so maybe it’ll all come full circle for me sometime soon. Congrats again on an amazing year Brad!