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From JS Online: One of the last top deer hunting states to tightly restrict the use of crossbows, Wisconsin appears on the threshold of change. A bill has been introduced in the Legislature to allow all hunters to use crossbows during the state’s archery deer hunting season…

The bill could be signed into law in time for the 2013 season.

I have covered the crossbow debate for years, here on the blog and back in my days as whitetail editor for Outdoor Life. I have reported on the positives from proponents like NRA: crossbows help recruit and retain hunters. I have documented the kicking and screaming of groups like Wisconsin Traditional Archers who remain staunchly opposed: crossbows mean more pressure in the woods…too many deer will be killed…

I have watched as states like Pennsylvania and Michigan have permitted the horizontal bow. The bottom line, as I blogged last year: the hunting community needs to come to grips with the fact that liberalized crossbow use is here to stay. I predict crossbows will be permitted in early archery season in every state within a decade (heck, we are almost there now).

What makes the Wisconsin situation interesting is the timing. 2012 was an incredible year for bowhunters in the state, one of the most impressive seasons I can remember anywhere. Beginning in September, hunters killed an incredible number of giants, like this 244-inch monster and this 197 2/8-inch state record typical. I blogged about many more monsters 160- to 200-class. How will more people in the woods with crossbows impact the big-buck hunting this year and beyond?

We have a lot of great hunters from Wisconsin and surrounding states on the blog. I want to know what you and your buddies think about this. Will you embrace the crossbow, or hate it?