Two people saw this on Facebook the other day and shared: Mike, know how you love snakes, ha ha…
One of the creepiest, freakiest pictures I have ever seen. Is that a den or what? What kind of evil serpents are those? If I stumbled across this in the woods that would be the end of me, no doubt.
If I saw that I would freak out and NEVER hunt on that property again!
WOW that insane! I still think one of the funniest things I’ve seen is that outtake with Hanback talking about snakes while filming a commercial and Jeff Foxworth scares the hell out of him. haha Mike, you got to put that back up so we can all have a good laugh :)
Yep- making more snakes for Mike to love.
Looks like garter snakes. Not sure why they are all piled up like that though.
click on pic to enlarge it–really freaks u out!