This cool weather has the bucks moving—I’m getting reports of early rutting activity from Kansas to New Hampshire—but the best is still to come, this last week of October and especially in November through the full moon on the 17th. That is the time when the most giant bucks will fall.
To monitor the rut in your area and see what your fellow hunters are seeing and shooting, go to the BIG DEER Rut Report, click on your region and join in the conversation. Be sure to post pictures of any big rubs or scrapes or other interesting stuff you find in the woods, and for sure post pictures of the deer you shoot. Good luck!
For now while you’re here, tell me what’s going on in your woods right now. Are they rubbing and scraping heavy and early with the cool weather, or even chasing?
Bucks starting to split up, some new pics of big boys now alone. rubs and scrapes starting. Mike check out rut report on region 4. some VA bruisers
Nothing was happening here in central Maryland until about 5 – 6 days ago.. Nothing on cameras other than spikes and does. Over the past week started see pictures of young bucks sparing and different bucks each night. The public land I hunt had nothing in terms of sign last weekend, last 2 – 3 days after the cold front scraps and rubs started showing up in decent numbers. This past Thursday evening saw a young spike chasing a doe and a buddy of mine was out fishing today and said he saw two bucks chasing does up in the woods.. I think things are really starting to heat up and should only get better the next 3 weeks!
Lots of scraping and rubbing. Watched a couple 2 yr olds scrapping Wednesday evening. When their big brother walked in they separated and stayed about 20 yrds from him. Things are starting to heat up in the Mid-Atlantic as the temps start to drop.
I sure do wish I was in the Midwest for the next 14 days, my hunting buddies in Missouri tell me that the action is starting to pick up and that bucks are making more rubs and scrapes these last few days. I can’t wait to see the giants that will be taken in the next month. Mike what states will you be hunting during the rut? Best of luck everyone!