coyote 2

Thanks to Neil Webb from Arkansas for sharing these unusual photos:

Mike: I’ve been overrun with coyotes this year, with 4 or 5 of the predators showing up at times, and the deer activity dropped to nothing. So imagine my surprise when I checked the camera and got these pictures. The feeders are only 5 feet apart. Pretty cool and like nothing I’ve ever seen before. I did see this little buck a week later chasing a couple of does, and that might help explain his behavior a little. Now if I can just see the coyote and put an end to his camera time! Love the show and keep supporting what we all love to do.


Check it out: the coyote comes to the feeder, looks at the deer, turns and looks at the camera, and they both start feeding side by side! This is an amazing twist to the predator/prey relationship and I can’t explain it. What do you think?

coyote 1

coyote 3