I am forever amazed at the incredible talent to be found across America, and when that talent is exhibited by a hard-working deer hunter from the Heartland, I am really impressed.
I saw this skull art on the Facebook page of Robert Nichols, a family man and deer hunter from Oklahoma. I posted to Robert that I thought his work was awesome, incredible really. I figured he had carved and engraved for years, and was selling his artwork. Robert wrote back:
Hey Mike: Thanks for the compliment on my engravings! I have enjoyed watching your shows and reading your work for years.
This is a very new hobby for me. We got snowed in for a couple days last November. My wife had been telling me I should try something like this for a while, so she convinced me to do it then. I had a small shed antler and figured, “Why not?”
The shed turned out okay (last picture) so the next afternoon, I did an elk shed that I’ve had for several years. And then I did a gunstock all in the same weekend! I was having a blast, and friends and family encouraged me to keep going and trying different things. I work with a little bit of everything: sheds, a lot of skull caps, gunstocks…
You asked what tools I use. I’m just using a 15-year-old dremel that my wife got for me. I just picked it up and hit the ground running.
I work a regular job 60 to 70 hours a week. I have 2 great boys in high school, and an amazing wife that has always supported me in everything I have done. These engravings/carvings have actually helped me feel like I have a purpose again. And I enjoy doing it.—Thanks, Robert
Amazing the spirit and hidden talents of deer hunters across this great land!
That is truly ART, amazing craftsmanship, very nice
Thank you Flatlander!
I have never thot of myself as an artist of any kind…
Just got lucky on this lil adventure!Lol
I sincerely appreciate it!
Wow! Just…wow!
Thanks Matt!
Absolutely amazing! I have never seen anything like that before. What a talent!
Thank you! Honestly…
I got lucky on trying something new!
One of the coolest things I’ve seen in a while. Amazing talent!!!!! There is definitely a market for this. The possibilities are limitless what you could carve.
Thanks Danny! What I’m counting on! Lol
You can make a living doing that if you’re good and make a name for yourself.
Nice work!
Just a hobby for now. Really enjoy doing it! Have a feeling I couldn’t afford the insurance on my own!Lol
Very cool indeed…..
Thank you!
Wow Robert you have an amazing talent for making something beautiful that much better with your engravings! How much would you charge to do a skull for someone? Do you have a website people can visit to look at your works and such?
Thanks Maverick! I have a fb page
Robert Nichols Custom Engraving
price depends on each individual job.