Hey Mike: Big fan of yours. I love reading about your passion for deer hunting.
I thought I would share with you a deer my oldest son, Brandon, 13, shot recently. The majority of our hunting is done in the Texas Panhandle. You always say that one of the best times to be out in the field hunting whitetails is November 8th. Well, that held true in this case as well.
The rut had not quite kicked in yet, but this buck was checking some does when we saw him right before dark. My son made a great shot on the animal at about 200 yards. I couldn’t have been happier for him. He has wonderful passion for deer hunting and we have had some great times in the field already.
What made it even better was that my twin boys, 8 years old, were with us. They think their older brother is the best hunter in the world now. I consider myself very lucky to have three children that love the outdoors as much as I do.
Keep up the good work and best of luck in your hunting adventures this year.–Kevin von Netzer
Kevin, you and the boys are doing it right–that is a fantastic picture. Congrats Brandon, great buck man!
Stories like this from hunters and fathers across this great land keep me going. This is the perfect example of the BIG DEER creed and how to raise our next generation of hunters: Hunt hard, have fun and respect the game.
Happy Thanksgiving to all, and good luck on your late-season hunts.–MH
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Love to see the young guns succeed. Congratulations on a great buck young man. Hope many more successes are in your future with your family and friends. That’s what makes Deer Hunting so great……the excitement and then the stories you can hear and tell that never get old. Bet you have a great Thanksgiving!