Mitch on Facebook says: My top hit-lister “Zeus” is starting to show up during daylight… I know he is 6.5 based on history with him. I hope this is the year we get to bring him home in the truck!
Nathan emailed the unique buck below and said: Mike, love your show and website. My buddy and I picked up a new lease and had this big guy show up on camera. We call him Dagger! Is it unusual for a mature buck to show up in daylight this time of the year?
It is not unheard of for bucks like these to be visible in daylight in August. Some bucks are simply not as nocturnal as others. I told Nathan that he needs to hunt Dagger asap when his bow season opens. The later we progress into fall and toward the rut, and the more a buck feels the first hint of human pressure, the more likely he is to go nocturnal overnight.
Great bucks boys, good luck!
Awesome bucks…. Yes hunt those deer hard as soon as season begins. Once they shed their velvet they turn into different creatures. They’ll start to roam a little more claiming back their teritory and for Dagger and the new lease you don’t know if he even lives there come Fall/Rut time. Again jump on those bucks hard early in my opinion all mature deer are or will go nocturnal come a month or so. Good luck boys….
Great bucks there. Zeus is a G-I-A-N-T!!!!! Good luck going after those freaks.
How silly it seems to me to give names to a deer an place them on “hit lists”, I hear it all the time on TV hunting shows… “Oh Dancer showed up on cameras … WOW! Comet, Cupid and the rest of their sleigh pulling buddies are in the meadow right now…”
TV lyrics are one thing but aping them is quite another! Keep it real!!!!