For a couple of years I’ve been emailing with Cory S., a dedicated hunter and family man who has endured years of hospital visits and surgeries with a positive and inspirational spirit. I am happy to report that this year Cory was finally able to get back in the woods, and he was rewarded with his first bow buck. Way to go man, you deserve it. Click here to read the story of Cory’s hunt.
Thanks for posting Mr.Mike
Man… what a story. You’ve got a great name too by the way Cory!
Way to fight. I’m a busy husband/dad/business owner, try to hunt & fish as much as I can (which isn’t nearly as much as I like). I CAN’T IMAGINE throwing what you’re going through into the mix. Killer deer brother! I’m guessing that’s a stud pretty much wherever you’re hunting in Tennessee. Way to commit & do the hard work, I salute you.
Mike – I love your site man. Love that last buck you’ve posted from Montana, not a monster by any means, just a nice deer, gorgeous scenery, & your smile says it all. Keep relating to the hard working common man & you’ll have my respect & a fan for a long time. Peace.