Hi Mike: On November 9th of 2014, while hunting on my lease in East Texas, I stumbled upon these two bucks locked together. They had suffered a horrible fate and had just succumbed to their death. It appears that the coyotes played a part in their death as well. It was tragic indeed, but had a bitter sweet ending.
I was fortunate to find them on a very cool morning and just hours after they had passed. Unbelievably, I was able to have them mounted (after gaining permission from a Texas Game Warden to take possession of them) using their original hides and antlers…..no add ons.
I consider myself very lucky to have found them, and I believe this to be a once in a lifetime situation. They may not be the biggest bucks in the woods, but they are certainly a trophy to me. Certainly their death was a tragic fate of Mother Nature, but a bitter sweet ending. Keep up the great work. Thanks, Jason Smalley
We have some amazing and big-thinking hunters here on the blog, and I appreciate that. Jason, these bucks are trophies indeed, thanks for sharing. And the mount looks fantastic!
Wow Jason that is pretty amazing to walk up on two great bucks like that and for you to find them in time that their hides weren’t ruined by scavengers. Very cool mount and congrats on preserving such a unique memory of finding these guys.