Our friend Kelly “Sheddhunter” Kirsch from South Dakota filed this report from the antler fields:
First hard day of walking two weeks ago, and looks like people are beating me at what I do so well. There were boot prints in most all the places I walked. I did manage to find a few sheds they left behind. The land these people are walking is all public, so I’ve tied up some adjacent lands where they ought to push the deer to. Hope it works out.
This past weekend I walked 17 miles and found 5 matched sets (picture above). Walked another 8 miles the next day and only found 5 antlers. Funny how in some areas the bucks have dropped their antlers, but just a few miles down the road they have not dropped them yet.
The picture of this single is one I missed last year. I walked the same route 4 different times last year and never found it, but I did last weekend.—Sheddhunter
Also click on the top picture to enlarge it, and see the nice 9-point dead-head that Kelly picked up!
Antler hunting is kicking into high gear, send me your field reports and shed photos to post.