#1 Typical Whitetail Antler in Shed Record Book: 6-point 104 6/8 left side picked up in Illinois 1992.
#1 Non-Typical Whitetail Antler in Shed Record Book: 24-point 156 5/8 right side found in Saskatchewan 2007.
Individual bucks often shed their antlers the same week every year.
As a rule, older bucks shed earlier than younger ones.
Increasing daylight and a buck’s falling testosterone cause antlers to shed.
Once a buck drops one antler, the other one usually falls off within hours.
Squirrels and porcupines chew on dropped antlers for the calcium they provide.
Shed antlers are valued by size and grade, from Grade A Brown (best) to old, white Chalk.
Antlers can fetch $5 to $18 a pound, depending on grade and size.
A matched set of fresh sheds from a large 6-point elk can be worth $500 to $1,000.