We celebrate the beautiful little creatures being born right now!
–A fawn weighs 4 to 8 pounds at birth; its weight doubles in 2 weeks.
–A fawn has a unique smell that the mother recognizes.
–A fawn can walk hours after birth.
–A newborn fawn spends its first weeks mostly alone and in hiding; it interacts with the mother doe only twice a day and nurses 2 or 3 times.
–A healthy fawn can outrun you when it’s only days old, but it takes 3 to 6 weeks before it can elude most predators.
–A fawn has about 300 white spots.
–25% of twin fawns have different fathers.
–“Multiple paternity” was found in triplet fawns at Auburn University. Three fawns born to the same doe had 3 different fathers!
–Twin fawns are the norm. In a prime habitat where the soil/feed/cover are outstanding, 20% to 30% of does might drop triplets. In a habitat with poor soils and feed, a doe is lucky to have and raise one fawn.
–A doe might give birth to 2 buck fawns or 2 doe fawns, but by the end of fawning season things average out to about 50-50 doe and buck fawns in a deer herd.