This target image shows why I shoot and hunt with mechanical broadheads: awesome accuracy. Those are different brand practice arrows, and look at the raggedy vanes from months of shooting. The arrows were all tipped with actual 2-blade Rage heads that I used for practice, not with the Rage blue practice heads. I wanted to see where the real broadheads hit, and as you can see they grouped fantastic. You cannot get that kind of accuracy with fixed-blade broadheads, at least I never could.
When you can consistently shoot groups like that out to 30 yards, you develop a ton of confidence that helps you shoot/kill deer better from a tree stand.
When you shoot at a deer with a mechanical, take only broadside and quartering-away shots, and cheat your hold a little bit back of a buck’s shoulder to keep from impacting big bone. Put a mechanical in the soft-tissue vitals behind the front leg and in front of the paunch, and the deer won’t go 100 yards before it dies. Plus, another advantage, you will have a huge and easy blood trail to follow, especially if you have both an entry and exit arrow hole.
But oftentimes an arrow with a mechanical head that springs open on impact won’t go all way through a deer and people worry about penetration. Don’t worry if you see a buck run off with half an arrow and fletching sticking out. If you hit a deer in the right spot, you will get plenty of penetration to and through the vitals, and a good blood trail from the entry hole. Dead deer not far ahead.