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From this profile I wrote for a few years ago:

Lisa Brunner is one of the best big-buck huntresses in America. I first became acquainted with this lady in 2006, back when I was blogging for Outdoor Life. Out of the blue her husband, Jeff, sent me an email that read:

“My wife Lisa shot this buck on the gun opener in Wisconsin. He scored 185 gross and 179 5/8 net; a 6×6 with one sticker. Big time massive, nearly 7” mass between the G2 and G3.

I was impressed and made it a point to keep up with this lady, and I have. Since then I have blogged several times about Lisa and her hunting exploits. Like the 156-inch buck she stalked and shot on the ground with her bow a few years ago. And the great picture below is her bow kill from just last year.

lisa 2Looking forward to meeting Lisa next week and bringing her story to life on BIG DEER TV later this fall. One thing she told me years ago has stuck with me: “I milked cows one summer to buy my first bow when I turned 16.”

That’s our kind of people.