Danny sent this last update before he starts hunting this huge 10-pointer that his wife named Spike on Friday:
“I got an absolute ton of pictures of Spike last week. The majority of the pictures were nighttime, but for some reason he came into the field at 3:16 in the afternoon one day.”
I really like the image of him in the morning with a few other bucks. Unfortunately this spot is impossible to hunt in the morning with a bow. I have pictures of deer in this field’s corner from 11:30 p.m. thru 7:00 am every single day last week. There’s no way to get into the stand without blowing everything out of the fields.
Our bow opener is Sept 6th. Just a few days to go.”
Great misty morning picture! Danny, we’re rooting for you, good luck and keep us posted.
Sorry to hear that. There’s nothing worst than trespassers/poachers,
I have no patients for that crap. You put hrs & hrs in doing something
you love & here comes some @&!hole to screw it all up just before
opening day. Prosecute to the fullest if you find out who…
Hope you bag both!!
I couldn’t take it anymore and decided to take an extended lunch break to go check my cameras. (I typically check them on Friday’s at lunch) Spike was at one stand at 6:40 this morning. And at the other stand 3 evenings this week. He is out of velvet now. I’m not sure if trapping season has started here, but I found a newly set trap 20 yards from my one stand. I’m assuming whoever it is, is checking the trap in the evening. Which would explain why I didn’t have any evening pictures on that camera. No one has permission to trap on our land, so I believe he is going to have a problem when I figure out who it is. Back at work now, but I’m going to pay the neighbors a visit tonight.
Been away from the computer for a few days. What a great sight to see on Mike’s blog when I got back on line. One more day, can’t wait for your updates on the chase for Spike! Best of luck.
Can’t wait for the update…
Good luck man…
Between June 22 to August 28 I have a total of 192 pictures of this deer. After studying pretty much every picture, I have come up with the score of 168. Considering that the largest whitetail buck I have taken to date is a 125″ eight point, I’m pretty stoked. I think I have a spot I can get to in the morning without pushing deer out. I have a few pictures from last week of this deer at that spot. I plan on heading out at 4:30 tomorrow morning. Not going to get much sleep tonight.
Danny, I thoroughly enjoy your updates on spike and I truly hope that you are able to take this amazing animal here shortly. BTW the foggy morning picture is awesome and would be really cool if you had it blown up to a large picture and framed, good luck bud!
What a great buck. Seems have you the patients to wait for the right time
and place to hunt him. Keep that mindset and i’m sure you’ll get a crack
at him. Good luck. I’ll just through a # out 176″.
That is the biggest “spike” I’ve ever seen. I may have overestimated this buck a bit, but he’s definately a shooter.I do think it’ll net B&C as a typical. I hope you kill him. Good luck Danny!