Someone has been purposely placing sharpened rebar on and near forest roads in the Happy Jack area of central Arizona. Spiked pieces of rebar have slashed at least 8 tires.
“The end of the rebar has been flattened and sharpened to a point and the exposed point has been painted to blend in with the road surface,” said Mogollon Rim District Ranger Linda Wadleigh. “The objects pose a serious threat to everyone, and that doesn’t just mean people recreating on a motorcycle or off-highway vehicle, it includes people walking, hiking and even wildlife. We are taking this very seriously and asking the public to keep an eye out and report suspicious activity in the area.”
Who would do something like this? Of the more than 1,000 comments posted about this story on the AZ Fish & Game Facebook page, most people feel it is the nasty work of tree huggers, or maybe pot growers in the area.
I lean toward environmental whackos, and I hope they are caught and busted soon before hunting season. Those spikes could maim or kill somebody.
Just another sick, twisted individual who thinks whatever they do is justified by their beliefs. Hope somebody catches him and takes him out behind the woodshed for an old fashioned attitude adjustment!
In my area landowners routinely place 2×6 boards with spikes driven thru them on their private property to keep ATV drivers from trespassing and damaging property. To this I say go ahead and do it as the Atvs are purposely trespassing with little regard of damage they may cause. If you weren’t sneaking on to begin with you wouldn’t have flat tires!
It kinda sounds to me like someone in the area doesn’t like ATVs……..
Yep. That’s not gonna do much for foot traffic. It looks like it was designed to deter motor vehicle use.
It’s wrong to kill wildlife, but if a human is killed by one of these spikes…no biggy!