Hi Mike, I was wondering if you could ask the bloggers what they are doing to get in shape for the upcoming season. Everyone has their own workout plan, and I would be interested to know what those are. At this point mine is: walk 3 miles 5 times a week, and do some sit-ups and push-ups each morning. Later in September I plan to add a small pack with weight in it for my walks. —Thanks, Mike M.
Ok, who’s sweating? If you’re not you should start, you’ll feel better and hunt better.
My pre-season (and all-year except when I’m traveling/filming/hunting) routine: Walk dog once or twice daily (7-12 miles a week); jog with sprint intervals for 3 miles 3 days a week; moderate weight-training and core planks 3 days a week, with emphasis on chest, back and arms.
This isn’t as time-consuming as it sounds; I don’t kill myself but I do try to push through some activity 30- 40 minutes every day.
What about you?
Hey Luke, if I hunt with you, you’re carrying my pack…
BTW, I’m in pretty good shape and some of these “fitness” guys couldn’t keep up with me for 8hrs work detail in our woods….
Youth Day for Ms. Brealyn in 2 weeks. Can’t wait.
Take a child Hunting, teach them firearm safety.
I have to stay in shape for SWAT, which is good because it forces me to keep at it…otherwise I’d be lazy. Hard lift (heavy weights to fail) 5 days a week with a SWAT buddy-every workout ends with core workout, the typical pushups and pullups 4-6 days a week, run 3 miles 3-5 days a week (who likes to run, not me!). Run includes a 3/4 mile hill incline. And I’ll still be huffing if I have to pack out a bull this fall! Keep at it, fellas.
Well now we all feel really bad about our workouts…
haha..thanks a lot ; )
As the years have passed, I’ve grown to appreciate my health and am doing what I can to maintain it.
Weights and cardio 6 days a week for 30-45 minutes a day seem to be making a real difference. I still need to clean up my diet from time to time, but it’s better than it used to be and I’m working on it.
I too am like Dr Bones, I am literally in the woods nearly every weekend working. i walk 5-10miles most of the time with a pack on my back and some sort of tool or piece of equipment for cutting trails, in my hands. A good 8hrs in the woods on a 90degree Humid Virginia day will keep you in shape!! good luck to all and safe hunting
I hunt, scout, and fish all year as often as I can. That’s what I love to do so that’s as close to exercise as I get. Some of those scouting trips are 5 miles or more across country so that will have to be good enough for this old dog.
I’ve never really had to work out just for hunting, until this year. I got drawn for a bull elk tag in Unit 6A Arizona. Which just so happens to lie in some of the nastiest canyon country in the state and I’m certainly in no shape now to handle packing a bull out of rough mountain country 8-10 miles. A great hunting guide from the area told me to be prepared to hike 12-16 miles a day and when I do kill be prepared to carry 80-150lbs on my back at a time packing the meat out however far I’ve gone in to kill him. I’m gonna die! lol So I’m starting a hiking routine here in the local mountains on the outskirts of Phoenix 3-5 times a week tomorrow..or the day after..etc..
Half Marathon – Sept 20 (Miller Park, Milwaukee)
Full Marathon – Oct 11 (Ashland, WI – fall colors should be great)
Thats awesome MacGruber! Ive done 2 halfs. Challenging, but so very rewarding
I teeter back and forth.
Some weeks/months I am very disciplined and will run 3.1 miles every other day, timed; and do 150 push-ups and 100 sit-ups afterwards.
Then there are weeks I go to bww a few times and cancel out all my work stated above.
It’s a vicious cycle ; ) Still think I’m in relatively good shape…
I subscribe to the “Veal Theory”!
Well, I have plantar fasciitus (positive I spelled it wrong) in both heels, junk ankles, had a knee scope for a torn meniscus a couple years back, at least one degenerative disc in my lower spine (did get treatments for that in ’12), and arthritic everything else, so I don’t run any more.
The only time I spring any more is during that first trip up to the Chinese Buffet (man, I could challenge Bolt on that first trip). My current program is to walk from the couch to the fridge at least 4 times every football game. 1) to get my beverage (not necessarily adult), 2) to get a snack during the 1st half, 3) back to the fridge again at halftime, and then 4) to get my second half snack. There is most likely one trip (minimum) to the bathroom during each half, so that will help pick up the heart rate a bit in between.
But, now that I’ve read this blog I am going to start walking with the dog after school. We have an .8 mile grass track behind our baseball and soccer facility that I will be walking after school starting tomorrow (re planting the back yard today after school. Which IS exercise in some fashion…I think).