Thanks to Eric for alerting us to this monster kill:
Mike: Here is the deer I was telling you about. It was scored at a place they refer to as the Dump, a bar that has a big buck contest. I work with a guy who is an official scorer for Pope and Young who helps this bar score deer. He didn’t score it, but he knows the guy that did. I was told the G-2s were around 7 inches and the 3s and 4s look to be 10 plus. I was also told that the mass measurements were between 45 and 50 inches total.
I understand the first gross score to be 202 5/8 typical. I am hoping to contact the hunter and get more info on this giant. If anybody knows more, tell us.
See below link
That mass is awesome! I only see a few inches of deductions so he should beat that 187 mark if he gross’s 202 after the drying period. Congrats to whatever hunter was able to overcome buck fever and sling an arrow through this stud!
189* mark
189 7/8 is the current record, shot in 2012 and was a 7×7….this deer maybe close!!!