This from my friend John Fink, who is the director of product management for Remington rifles:
Mike, attached is a deer I killed in observance of Veteran’s Day on Nov. 11 with the new Model 700 Ultimate Muzzleloader here in NC. Pretty sure he is a buck I passed three times last season. Hard to tell from the pic, but his left brow is over 9”. The buck I passed last year on the same ridge also had a long left brow but no mass last year.
The shot distance was approximately 120 yards. I was shooting the Premier 250-grain AccuTip with 200 grains of Triple Seven (4 50-grain pellets). That load has been accurate for me and dropped this buck in his tracks with a double lung shot.—Thanks, John
Hanback note: We are currently filming some BIG DEER TV shows and segments with the new Model 700 Ultimate Muzzleleader, and you’ll see those on the Sportsman Channel next season. The picture left is from one of those shoots and range sessions. I shot that group at 120 yards with the same load that John references above. The Model 700 muzzleloader is the most reliable and accurate blackpowder rifle I’ve ever used. I’ll post an extensive review of this rifle on the BIG DEER blog early next year.
Spent the last two afternoons at a nearby public ground gun range getting the old TC Thunderhawk dialed in. Got ‘er wrapped up ysterday. Shooting good groups at 100 yds. Our muzzy season opens tomorrow morning. Good luck to all you late season hunters out there who’ve not tagged a buck yet (I am firmly in that group with you all). Good luck to you too Hanback. Wherever in God’s Paradise you happen to be.
Looks like a pretty sweet setup. Looks like Rem has another winner.
What glass is on the gun- Trijicon?