The big bucks are starting to come in, archery season is less than 3 weeks away in some areas:
Mike I got this buck back on August 1st, which is my Birthday… We named him Mr. August. I’m from Georgia and this is a super stud for Ga. Age? 4.5 -5.5, score 150″…. thanks, Terry
The bucks below are from Rob: Here are my main two hit-listers in KY for 2015 (I hunt pubs in KY, have a lease in Indy and a buddy with hunting property in Ohio). Definitely a couple of no-doubt shooters, at least in my book.
Great bucks Terry and Rob, thanks and good luck! Send me your latest cam pictures to share with the BIG DEER bloggers.
Where are you from in GA? I live in Athens.
Jasper county