I saw a teaser for an article “Deer Relentlessly Attacks Woman” and naturally had to check it out.
As the story goes, Cindy Frost spotted a weird-acting doe and fawn on her Ohio property two weeks ago. Since then, she has tried to avoid the doe, but it stares her down, becomes agitated and won’t leave her alone.
Telling the story to a local TV reporter on the story, Cindy said dramatically, “I feel like I’m a prisoner. I can’t take my dogs out for a walk; I can’t even walk down to the end of my property and when I go to my car I’m looking all around.”
Cindy says that last Thursday, she was out with her dogs when the doe became extremely aggressive, reared up and charged her!
Cindy ran and “(the doe) came right after me,” she said in another highly melodramatic and breathtaking moment. “What saved me was my black top. (The doe) couldn’t get her grip, that’s the only thing that saved me.” Cindy said she fell during the altercation and suffered minor injuries.
Adding yet more sensation and intrigue to the story, the TV reporter and cameraman said that as they were shooting the segment with Cindy at her house, they caught the ferocious deer staring Cindy down! (Ferocious was my word, not theirs.)
Pardon the tongue-in-cheek, but whitetails are not dangerous game folks. Yes, every year in early June you hear about isolated cases of does getting aggressive, but it’s very rare. And it’s rarer still that a doe would actually charge and make contact with a person.
In most of the cases we do hear about, like Cindy’s, dogs are involved. Dogs are in a yard where a doe and fawn wander near…or somebody is out walking her dog and happens to come across the deer. Either way, once in a blue moon a doe perceives the dog to be a predator, a coyote, and approaches and/or rears up to protect her fawns.
Local police and experts with the Ohio DNR related this message to Cindy, and told her the deer should move on in a couple of weeks. But if the doe continues to be a problem, both doe and fawn might have to be euthanized.
I can hardly believe they told her that, but to her credit, Cindy said, “I don’t want that.”
Hopefully Cindy will play it cool, watch her step and maybe stay inside her house like a “prisoner” for a week or so until the doe takes her little one and goes away, and this event will have a happy ending.
Just like anything where someone has no knowledge. Just like this weekend when news reporters were calling one of the weapons used during the terrible terrorist attack an AUTOMATIC weapon he recently purchased….now millions will think just that.
You know what’s funny about this is often times when I offer to take someone completely green to hunting out with me their biggest concern is getting attacked! I always laugh out loud because how funny I think that is, but what people don’t realize is that the media and shows like “When Animals Attack” present a deer kicking and stomping on a hunter..(I only know of one video) that’s what the world who knows nothing about hunting perceives can happen. I think it’s really funny, but those who don’t know any better believe it’s a common occurrence for someone to be attacked by a deer.
Give me a break……………………..