
Hillary Clinton was interrupted by a few animal rights protesters at a rally in Las Vegas last week. Secret Service agents rushed to her aid and the incident was diffused.

Clinton then joked that the kooky activists must have been there to protest Donald Trump. “Trump and his kids have killed a lot of animals,” she said. “Thank you for making that point.”

Hillary proceeded to screech that grating laugh, and the fawning crowd cheered wildly.

Well, I did not cheer when I heard those remarks on the radio. In 16 words, Hillary unabashedly trashed America’s 13 million hunters.

Not only were the remarks offensive and disrespectful to all sportsmen, in the literal sense “Trump and his kids” have shot a lot of game is just not true.  While Donald Jr. is a proud hunter and one of us—“If I could only choose one (type of hunting) I would have to say bowhunting for whitetails,” he said recently—I do not believe Eric, Ivanka and the others hunt and kill animals.

The only thing that matters is what the candidate says and does. While Donald Trump Sr. has stated openly that he does not hunt, he is on the record as saying that a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Director he appoints would “ideally be a hunter” and under his watch “there would be no sale of public Western lands.” Those are substantive pro-hunting positions.

Not surprisingly Hillary’s comments, which dripped with sarcasm, are reflective of what the Washington Elites think of us and our lifestyle. They laugh and smirk and dismiss us as a bunch of ignorant, gun-toting rednecks “that kill a lot of animals.”

Does Hillary realize, or care, that America’s hunters and fishermen fund nearly 75% of the annual income for all 50 state conservation agencies? Does she know, or care, that through license fees and excise taxes on firearms and gear, sportsmen contribute $200 million per year for wildlife conservation?

While I remain offended by Hillary Clinton’s dismissive anti-hunting remarks, as a gun-toting redneck that kills a lot of animals I am used to that type of talk.

The only thing that matters is that this presidential election will be the most important one ever regarding the Second Amendment. While hard to believe, Hillary is farther left than Obama on our right to own and carry firearms.

Regardless of what you think of Donald Trump, on guns and hunting the choice is clear.