Guest post from longtime blogger Danny Myers. I enjoy these type stories as much as any we post, as the shooting of a first deer is a rite of passage for the boys and girls who will be the future of hunting:
Well Mike, I guess we won’t get to see what that lopsided 7 point will turn into next year. (You put this deer on the blog earlier this year).
He came out one morning with 2 small bucks chasing a hot doe. After an agonizing 15 minutes of waiting on him to slow down, Lexi made a great shot and was able to get her first deer.
Maryland has a 2-day Junior Hunting Season. On the first day Lexi got a horrible case of buck fever on a 3 point. He gave her a good 5 minutes of shot opportunity, but there was nothing she or I could do to calm her nerves. Needless to say we were both disappointed. But after this morning’s hunt, she looked at me and said, “Thank goodness for that buck fever yesterday!”
When she told me back in September, “If Lollilop comes out, I’m shooting,” and she wasn’t kidding. This is the deer we called Lollilop.
This easily ranks up near the top of proud daddy moments so far in my life. Thanks, Danny.
Awesome Lexi! Thanks to your dad for taking you hunting these last 3 months.
PS: If your boy or girl, or any kid you know, shoots his or her first deer email me story and photo ( and I’ll gladly post.
Thanks for posting this Mike.