reports that Wade Seago knew something was up outside his rural Alabama home when the family’s pet schnauzer, Cruiser, started barking constantly.
His daughter began screaming. “I jumped up to see what was going on,” Wade explained. The dog had a huge hog bayed in his front yard, about 5 yards off of the front porch.
Wade is a hunter, but instead of grabbing a rifle, he went for his home-protection .38 revolver.
“By the time I got in a position to shoot, the hog was about 12 yards away,” he said. “Cruiser was out of my line to the hog so I fired.”
It took three shots to kill the giant, which died near the carport. The next day Wade took the beast and weighed it on drive-thru scales—820 pounds with 6-inch tusks!
I got to thinking that this beast might be the heaviest wild hog ever, so I did a little research. No. As best I can tell, the meatiest porker on record weighed a whopping 1,050 pounds. It was also shot in Alabama, in 2007 by an 11-year-old boy with a pistol.
Man, you could feed the whole county at that hog roast!!!!!!