Saw this and thought it was a cool way to save a few bucks.
As the story indicates shipping pallets are usually free, as many businesses just want to get rid of them. You haul them off and everybody’s happy:
The one-man, full-height blind consists of 6 pallets, two 2×2 corner strips, and a handful of wood screws…. have all your pieces cut (including shooting windows) and ready to assemble prior to going into the woods with it. Then all you need is a cordless screwdriver and you can erect the blind at your hunting spot…
For a roof add a couple of wood slats and a scrap piece of tarp…staple roofing felt around the inside to make it warmer…wrap your DIY shooting house with camouflage burlap or netting…add on more pallets to expand and create a two-man blind.
There’s a blueprint for the pallet blind click here to see it.
Story and photo credit: Pete Young
I am confused about many things this season, can an expert like you help me? I also had help from my friends and this: last month but I need your opinion. Have you had any luck with deer?