5 02, 2020

Should You Feed Deer In The Winter?

2020-06-10T09:14:51-04:00February 5th, 2020|BigDeer, CWD, Deer Hunting, Deer Science, whitetail deer|Comments Off on Should You Feed Deer In The Winter?

Yes, natural food is scarce and whitetail deer are hungry and scavenging every bite they can find right now in late winter. NO, you should not feed them. No corn, no apples, no hay, nothing. “Congregation of deer is a way in which Chronic Wasting Disease is spread through nose to nose contact,” explains Ryan Brown, director of Virginia Game and Inland Fisheries. “We encourage the public not to feed deer, because the deer don’t need it in Virginia to survive, and number two, attracting deer to a particular feeding location simply ups the odds that the disease will be spread within the herd.” CWD can be spread by disease prions that live in the soil for years. “The prions [...]

22 10, 2019

CWD News: Hunters Can Use Bleach To Decontaminate Knives

2020-06-10T09:14:52-04:00October 22nd, 2019|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, CWD, Deer Hunting, Deer Science, whitetail deer|Comments Off on CWD News: Hunters Can Use Bleach To Decontaminate Knives

Finally, some good news on the nasty topic of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD). According to a new study by National Institutes of Health, a 5-minute soak in a 40% solution of household bleach decontaminated stainless steel wires coated with CWD prions. The scientists used the wires to model knives and saws that hunters and meat processors use when handling deer and elk, the meat of which could be infected with CWD prions. The researchers dissected CWD-infected brains from whitetails and mule deer. They tested various bleach concentrations and soak times to determine the most effective combination to eliminate CWD prions. While the study found that a 40% solution of household bleach can purify stainless steel, it failed to find an [...]

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