Here is a sampling of news from the National Deer Alliance’s (NDA) latest update on all things Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD). Click here to read the full report.
Kansas: In mid-July, the Kansas Department of Agriculture confirmed a case of CWD in a captive deer herd in Osage County. While CWD has been detected in wild deer populations in many western Kansas counties, this is the first documented positive case in eastern Kansas.
Minnesota: The DNR announced a new process for hunters to get their deer tested for CWD. This year, testing will not be mandatory in an effort to mitigate the risk of spreading coronavirus during the pandemic. Last year, hunters in designated CWD zones were required to visit a DNR sampling station staffed by crews that removed lymph nodes for testing. This year, due to coronavirus concerns, those stations will be replaced by drop boxes for hunters to deposit deer heads or lymph nodes for testing.
Montana: On June 25, the Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission approved a management plan to address chronic wasting disease in deer, elk and moose statewide. Under the approved plan, hunters can now have their game tested for CWD without paying a fee.
Wisconsin: The DNR announced CWD testing results from the 2019 sampling season. The DNR collected 19,386 samples – an increase of roughly 2,100 samples from the prior year. 1,334 deer tested positive for CWD, up from 1,061 deer during the 2018 sampling season. Overall, positive tests were up 25% from 2018.
It is every deer hunter’s responsibility to monitor CWD and know how it impacts the herds and hunting in your state. Visit CWD-INFO.ORG regularly for updated data and information on this deadly deer disease.