The results of QDMA‘s unscientific poll reveal about what I expected–that in about half the country, the whitetail herds are trending in a negative way. Based on the number of deer and the number of bucks you saw last season, how would you vote? Leave a reply below so we can see if the BIG DEER numbers jibe with QDMA’s.
I’ll comment first. I vote “blue down” because the 2013-14 season was one of my hardest in the last 15 years. I hunted from Canada to Wisconsin to New York to Nebraska, and it was tough everywhere. I even had to push it on two Texas hunts to shoot bucks. It’s not supposed to be hard in Texas, but it was for me.
In the end I shot some nice bucks, but I had to work harder than ever to do so. That is not a bad thing because hunting a big deer is not supposed to be easy. But from a trending standpoint it worries me.
Did I see fewer deer and fewer mature bucks because of the brutal 2013 winter weather (and/or the long, snowy 2012 winter that got some deer in far-northern states)…or because EHD outbreaks 2-3 years ago killed a lot of deer in some regions…or because of coyote predation…or because hunters killed too many does and bucks in the last decade (some states had bag limits that were too liberal, especially on does)?
I am certain all these factors came into play to some degree in the various areas I hunted, but the fact remains my hunting was damn tough. And I hope it is better this fall.
How about you?
jjas, you make some solid observations. I too, am a hoosier and the buck to doe ratio seems to be closer to even than in years past. This may be a good thing in terms of fawn recruitment and health of the herd, but it really does seem doe numbers are down. It is my opinion our harvest numbers are too liberal and season is too long. BUT, if the buck to doe ratio is 1:1 or even 1:2, maybe we should look at this as a positive. Counting deer is not why I sit in a tree, so if the numbers are starting to even out maybe we should celebrate that?.
And last, I do not know of any + tested deer for EHD in my area, but almost every time I hear a hunter talk about low numbers they say EHD. Is this becoming cliche?
I have to vote Green – it was up for us primarily due to perfectly timed rains in South Texas and the Edwards Plateau areas of Texas that I hunt.
Actually, my annual bow hunting trip to North Central Kansas was the best in several years, also.
Guess we were blessed this past season.
I saw fewer mature bucks and does. Saw quite a few 1-1/2 – 2-1/2 y/o bucks. Future looks strong, if the winter didn’t hurt too bad!
Here in Virginia numbers seem to be about normal. However the quality from most have been down. For our group we have increased our numbers and quality by having proper management and selection. This is an overlooked reason people don’t consider. Have hunted for years with clubs who use dogs, and while I’ll admit I enjoyed hearing the dogs, clubs are killing too many small bucks and killing too many deer that are being fully processed and EATIN! This is why our small group started our own club. 2 things that we have noticed is an increase in coyotes here in Virginia and more nocturnal activity.
Also for our area in Virginia, most biologist & and hunters said this was the absolute worst mast crop in many years,.
2013 was one of the toughest years that I have ever had in southern Indiana (35+ years hunting). I feel the exploding coyote population and way too many does being harvested is the main factor. I hunted 4-6 days every week from Oct 1 – Jan 4 and only seen a grand total of about 20 deer – absolutely unreal! Most of the hunters that I know have reported the same thing in their areas. I shot a nice buck but, I was very fortunate as I only seen 1 other buck all season. I did not take any does.
Here in CT I think it’s just about the same. These deer are pressured something terrible from hunters,black bears,bobcat and coyote so most if not all mature bucks stay nocturnal. Sightings were down but I contribute that due to no acorns.
Most of my property is hardwoods so you can do
the math on that one. I did harvest a nice buck and
doe as usual just hard hunting.
My Northern Maine hunting has been up the last 5 years with many
buck sightings. The reason for that I contribute to mild winters and
more awareness to deer wintering yards by loggers. Cutting deer yards was a big problem. If you don’t know, deer in N-ME migrate
like various. The deer might travel 20 miles to the winter yard so you could imagine what would happen if they get their to find no cover or food. Dead deer…..
Let’s hope the 2014 season will be good for all……..
In my immediate hunting area I feel the numbers are fairly steady, with perhaps a slight downward turn. What I have noticed the past few seasons is the deer seem to be more nocturnal. I honestly feel the coyotes have altered their habits here more than anything else. The deer are there, but I don’t get too many images of them until after dark. My coyote images on my trail cameras have increased steadily in those same areas. Never used to get many coyote pictures, but it’s now commonplace to see “dogs” on camera darn near every time I go retrieve my cards.
How much of the increase of nocturnal behavior in the deer herd do you attribute to the growing numbers of hunters who use cameras today?
My IN hunt was down considerably. I’m not sure if it was the EHD, the fact that a nearby farmer reportedly shot 200 deer out of his fields last year, or additional pressure on the property by hunters, but it was a marked change. Places where I was seeing 10-12 deer per hunt a couple of years ago, I was getting blanked.
Hunting in NC has been about the same for the past decade or more. No real change that I can see.
I saw plenty of deer this past season in my small section of the state. Having said that, I know that many hunters in my state (Indiana) feel that deer numbers are down (when compared to the past) due to EHD and high antler less harvest numbers.
This past Winter was brutal throughout the state and even though I’m seeing what appears to be the same 9 does behind my house, I’m wondering how many of those does will carry fawns to full term due to the stresses of the Winter.
That concern, plus the bad weather, plus the fact that several counties had EHD outbreaks last Summer, has me wondering if the IDNR will lower the number of bonus antler less permits available to hunters this upcoming season.
I guess we’ll see……
JRod157 on May 14, 2014 at 11:11 am said:
jjas, you make some solid observations. I too, am a hoosier and the buck to doe ratio seems to be closer to even than in years past. This may be a good thing in terms of fawn recruitment and health of the herd, but it really does seem doe numbers are down. It is my opinion our harvest numbers are too liberal and season is too long. BUT, if the buck to doe ratio is 1:1 or even 1:2, maybe we should look at this as a positive. Counting deer is not why I sit in a tree, so if the numbers are starting to even out maybe we should celebrate that?.
And last, I do not know of any + tested deer for EHD in my area, but almost every time I hear a hunter talk about low numbers they say EHD. Is this becoming cliche?
There is no doubt that there are fewer deer than last year and last year had fewer deer than the year before. As far as results, we have done very well in the last few years, but I credit that to a lot more hours in the woods, year round cameras set out, and decreasing deer hunters due to the herd shrinking. We aren’t filling many doe tags to try to protect them so they can restock the diminished herd. I don’t think that is DNR’s goal, but as I have said before….we are the caretakers of the deer herd. If we don’t want a shrinking herd, don’t shoot does unless you have to. Take just what you need for the year and let the rest walk. Anothere thing in my craw…I love jerky but to kill 6 does so you can turn them all into jerky is ridiculous. Think about tomorrow before you ruin it today. Here’s to 2014 season….may the deer bounce back and the bucks get huge! God bless you all and I’ll see you in the scrub.