“Thought I would send you a pic of a unique mount I had done by a taxidermist friend of mine. Was sick of antler plaque mounts so we tried something a little different.”—Jonathan
Pretty inventive and cool, what does everybody think?
Agree with what Curt said about the mass…some good deer. Also like the movie comment. Lol.
August 15, 2014 at 3:33 pm
Saweet! I love all the unique things that hunters come up with.
Curt in Va.
August 15, 2014 at 2:37 pm
A couple things:
1. Cool idea and nice mass on the horns.
2. The videos – Steel Magnolias? Titanic? The Love Letter?
I am going to have to demand he returns his Man Card if this continues!
Dean Weimer
August 15, 2014 at 9:06 am
A really cool idea. I wish my dad was still alive to make me one of those. I think those skull plate mounts are ideal for such a system. I applaud whoever came up with that idea.
I like it. Cool idea.
Agree with what Curt said about the mass…some good deer. Also like the movie comment. Lol.
Saweet! I love all the unique things that hunters come up with.
A couple things:
1. Cool idea and nice mass on the horns.
2. The videos – Steel Magnolias? Titanic? The Love Letter?
I am going to have to demand he returns his Man Card if this continues!
A really cool idea. I wish my dad was still alive to make me one of those. I think those skull plate mounts are ideal for such a system. I applaud whoever came up with that idea.