manotoba city giant

Mike emailed me this image, pulled from a computer screen, of a monster whitetail that is living within the city limits of Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada. Wow!

Archery season in Manitoba opens in 2 days, August 30. I wonder how many guys who hunt on property that borders the city limit side where this giant has been spotted hope he slips across the boundary and onto private land where they hunt? Will be interesting to see is this buck is shot in the coming weeks, I’ll keep an eye out for it.

iowa city bucks 1.JPG 2009

We’ve posted some giants that live in cities and suburbs over the years, like the above from Urbandale, Iowa.

soccer field VA buck

And this buck was spotted living and feeding in a soccer field in northern Virginia.

sd sioux falls buck 2008

The most famous of all urban creatures was the Sioux City Falls South Dakota buck,  which we tracked for 8 years here on BIG DEER with the help of blogger and local hunter Kelly. In this 2015 post Kelly wrote: The East Sioux Falls Buck is still around! Cannot believe he is still going, although his horns are on the way down. Figure he is at least 12 and maybe as old as 14! Amazing.

I lost track of this magnificent buck the last 2 years; I hope Kelly reads this and gives us an update.

In some suburbs and even inside some city limits in the U.S. and Canada it is legal to archery hunt for deer and maybe get a crack at a giant like one of these. Check your city/state’s website for urban opportunities. Here are some tips for bowhunting city bucks.