Go Erie reports that on October 15, 2022, Anthony Faus of East Berlin Pa. shot a giant buck with a crossbow that netted 228 3/8-inch, the second largest non-typical whitetail ever recorded in the Pennsylvania Game Commission’s big game records.
“It’s one of the most impressive deer racks I’ve seen as part of scoring in my 15 years of being an official scorer,” said Bob D’Angelo, coordinator for the state’s Big Game Scoring Program. The 22-pointer had an outside spread of 26 7/8 inches.
In this day and age of social media, most people who kill a world-class deer go online to brag about it, and to potentially get fame and fortune from a bow company, camo maker, etc. Hunters have been known to sell the original rack to an antler collector for tens of thousands of dollars. But in this case the crossbow hunter remains out of public view. A friend of Faus’ took the antlers to the official game commission scoring session held in February in Harrisburg.
According bowhunting.com, which has posted quite a few pictures and videos of the monster buck, Anthony Faus is a young guy who is either Amish or Mennonite, which would explain the disdain for notoriety around this buck.
In another twist, the website also reports that this massive buck was well-known by almost everyone in Adams County, and presumed to be a high-fence escapee. The Pennsylvania Game Commission is aware of the rumors and is currently looking into it.
Bowhunting.com reports that when asked about this weird situation, Bob D’Angelo said, “In investigating this so far, people who claim it’s a pen-raised deer, after contacting them, say they heard about it from social media platforms. No one has any proof. It’s all hear-say at this point. If it is determined that the deer was an escapee from a pen, it will be removed from the state records.”
About the Photo: Todd Holmes, shooting sports outreach division chief for the state game commission and an official P&Y scorer, scored the antlers and is pictured here with the rack. Credit: Pennsylvania Game Commission