26 02, 2014

Washington Nationals’ LaRoche Kills Cougar with Bow and Arrow

2020-06-10T09:23:04-04:00February 26th, 2014|BigDeer, Bowhunting|2 Comments

I love baseball, I love spring training time and, being from Virginia, the Nationals are my second favorite team, and so I loved this picture and post that I saw on Brietbart. Nationals first baseman Adam LaRoche said he got into bowhunting about 15 years ago and now he is obsessed with it. So much so that he recently carried his bow into the Colorado high country on a cougar hunt. "…you don’t want to screw that up, because that could go bad really quick, as you could imagine," LaRoche said. When you come up over the hill, and you’re eye-to-eye with that mountain lion…man, it gets your blood flowing….” As you might expect, animal rights whackos hassled LaRoche about [...]

16 10, 2013

Wisconsin Bowhunters on Big Deer TV

2020-06-10T09:23:21-04:00October 16th, 2013|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Bowhunting|4 Comments

If you hunt in Wisconsin you need to watch or DVR my show tonight at 8 and 11 PM Eastern Time on the Sportsman Channel. Even if you don’t hunt in Wisconsin, I hope and believe you’ll enjoy this special episode. Below are the hunters and the giant bucks you’ll see and hear about, in order of how they appear on the show: Lisa Brunner of Buffalo County…Tom Taylor and his 226 4/8” Wedding Crasher Buck…Dusty Gerrits and his 189”archery state record typical (shot last November)…and Wayne Schumacher and his 243 6/8” archery state record non-typical. Amazing bucks and very cool stories!

1 10, 2013

Bowhunt a Culvert

2020-06-10T09:23:21-04:00October 1st, 2013|BigDeer, Bowhunting, Deer Hunting, Deer Management, Deer Science|1 Comment

Bill wrote and talked about bowhunting an urban zone near Indianapolis: One of my best stand sites backs up against the interstate. Weird being in that tree before daybreak and hearing all those cars and trucks going behind me. But it turns out to be a great travel route. They (the deer) go from park property on the other side of the interstate, follow a creek under the interstate and move through the property. Two 10 pointers and a good-sized 8 were taken last year. Bill hits on a killer bow tactic. A bridge access or box culvert beneath a busy interstate or a lonely rural road is a great deer funnel. Whitetails are like us; they take the easiest, [...]

20 09, 2013

Wisconsin Bow Buck: Lisa Brunner Strikes Again!

2020-06-10T09:23:21-04:00September 20th, 2013|Big Deer Stories, BigDeer, Bowhunting|1 Comment

Got this from our friend Jeff Brunner up in Buffalo County. BIG DEER’s top lady hunter does it again! Mike: This is the buck Lisa let walk last muzzleloader season because he was so busted up. He definitely lost some inches and points this year, I believe from the record-breaking hard winter we had. Still a great buck, probably one of her biggest in weight; we’re guessing 210-220 pounds. We believe him to be 5 ½ and possibly 6 1/2 years old. The recent cold snap had the deer on their feet. Lisa got the buck coming in to a water hole for a drink, and she drilled him with her Bowtech Experience. Lisa has a lot of history with [...]

9 09, 2013

Maryland: Bowhunter Shoots “Spike” on Opening Day!

2020-06-10T09:23:22-04:00September 9th, 2013|Big Deer Stories, Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Bowhunting, Deer Hunting, Deer Management, Deer Science|9 Comments

Danny shot the beautiful buck his wife had named “Spike” last Friday. His story: I had my trail cameras set at three different locations since the middle of June. I studied all the pictures (around 200 of them) I got of Spike. I printed out the moon phases and the wind directions for the past couple months, compared them and tried to come up with a game plan. Maryland bow opener was Sept 6--the morning after the new moon. The wind direction was supposed to be out of the NNE.  I looked back through all the cam pictures, and it just so happened the last time we had a NNE wind was the morning after the new moon in August. Spike was [...]

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