15 04, 2013

5mm Remington Magnum

2020-06-10T09:23:37-04:00April 15th, 2013|BigDeer, Deer Guns & Loads, Predator Hunting|Comments Off on 5mm Remington Magnum

  Fresh off a successful coyote hunt last month in MT with our friend Luke Strommen (we saw and called to a bunch of critters and shot 3 for a special episode of Big Deer TV) Luke sent this photo that he dug out of his files: Mike: My brother and I called in this fox off the river bottom a few years ago. I shot him with my Remington 5mm Magnum rimfire. Have you ever heard of that cartridge? Way ahead of its time. I still have the rifle and this beautiful pelt. Go Big Deer Predator Team! I had heard of the 5mm, but I knew little about it. Some digging here revealed that the cartridge resembled a [...]

19 03, 2013

Muzzleloader Powder: Blackhorn 209

2020-06-10T09:23:37-04:00March 19th, 2013|BigDeer, Deer Guns & Loads|1,312 Comments

Last fall the guys down at Clark Brothers gun shop recommended I try Blackhorn 209 loads in my new Thompson Center Triumph. Designed for 209 primer in-line rifles, it’s a high-performance propellant that delivers accurate loads with superior velocity and energy. Plus, in this test, it blew away the competition as far as igniting in damp or wet weather. Another big thing, Blackhorn is a low-residue powder that burns hotter and cleaner than Pyrodex, Triple 7 and others. It is supposedly so clean that you can shoot some 22 to 40 shots at the range all morning without wiping the bore once, and still shoot accurate groups. I don’t know about the 20 shots, or all morning, but in the [...]

2 01, 2013

Rifle Review: Remington’s New Model 783 Bolt-Action

2020-06-10T09:23:47-04:00January 2nd, 2013|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Deer Guns & Loads|4 Comments

Huge news for 2013 is Remington’s introduction of the Model 783 bolt-action, a rifle that in my opinion is destined to become one of America’s most popular new deer-hunting rifles.  Built in Mayfield, KY, the 783 has a cylindrical receiver and a premium contour button-rifled barrel (22 inches most models, 24 inches for 7mm Mag.); designed for strength and rigidity, the barrel is attached to the receiver with a barrel nut system. Stock is black synthetic and pillar-bedded; the free-floated barrel enhances accuracy. This rifle doesn’t have the classy, straight-line appearance of the iconic Remington Model 700 CDL, my favorite deer rifle. But the clean, modern and functional look of the 783 ain’t bad. Other top features: The butt-stock of the 783 wears [...]

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