10 12, 2013

Trail-Cam: Coyote/Buck Feed Together!

2020-06-10T09:23:19-04:00December 10th, 2013|BigDeer, Deer Management, Predator Hunting|3 Comments

Thanks to Neil Webb from Arkansas for sharing these unusual photos: Mike: I've been overrun with coyotes this year, with 4 or 5 of the predators showing up at times, and the deer activity dropped to nothing. So imagine my surprise when I checked the camera and got these pictures. The feeders are only 5 feet apart. Pretty cool and like nothing I've ever seen before. I did see this little buck a week later chasing a couple of does, and that might help explain his behavior a little. Now if I can just see the coyote and put an end to his camera time! Love the show and keep supporting what we all love to do. —Neil Check it [...]

13 11, 2013

Buck Movement & Barometric Pressure

2020-06-10T09:23:20-04:00November 13th, 2013|BigDeer, Deer Hunting, Deer Management, Deer Science|4 Comments

Mike: I‘ve heard that bucks move better when the barometer is moving, either rising or falling. Is that right?—Joe from Indiana Joe: For decades, biologists have been trying to pattern deer activity as related to changes in barometric pressure. To date, nobody has been able to pin it down. Dr. Grant Woods, one of the top whitetail scientists in America, puts it this way: “I’m confident that deer move before and after significant changes in weather. However, since such changes can’t be predicted more than a few days in advance, there’s no way to plan hunting dates weeks ahead of time.  After years of trying to find a pattern, the best I can offer is hunt when you can!” My personal [...]

12 11, 2013

Wisconsin: Giant Buck on Trail Cam!

2020-06-10T09:23:20-04:00November 12th, 2013|BigDeer, Deer Management|2 Comments

Hey Mike: I just got this pic off my trail cam from my property in WI. I can't wait until my upcoming time off work. Hopefully this guy steps out into the daylight come the rut!--Happy hunting, Jason Great buck, good luck man! The rut is officially upon us, how is the hunting going for you? What is it like in your part of the woods? Let us know!

8 11, 2013

Money Stand for the Rut

2020-06-10T09:23:20-04:00November 8th, 2013|BigDeer, Deer Hunting, Deer Management|1 Comment

Whitetails love to roam the points and strips of trees and brush that border rivers and streams and grain and hay fields nearby. One November long bow hunter Luke Strommen scouted such a series of points on his Montana ranch and found them torn up with buck sign. Major doe trails wended into the woods from fields to the west and south. The timber patches were littered with rubs and scrapes. Strommen could have hung a stand in any tree and seen deer, but he’s better than that. And he knows he has to be for 15-yard shots at bucks with his stick bow. He poked around and found the perfect ash tree near the nexus of the trails and [...]

22 10, 2013

BIG DEER Report: Best Moon & Rut Days 2013

2020-06-10T09:23:21-04:00October 22nd, 2013|BigDeer, Deer Hunting, Deer Management, Deer Science|6 Comments

Mark Drury and I compared notes again and came up with our 5th annual prediction of the best days to shoot a monster in the 2013 rut. Any year, the first week of November, when bucks rub and scrape like fiends and troll for the first receptive does, is a great time to hunt for a big deer. If you take off this week, you ought to hunt all day every day, because you never know when you might see a shooter. But with the moon new and dark this November 3 and then waxing crescent, bucks should be most active at daylight. Get on stand extra early and hunt the mornings extra hard. The first week of November “will [...]

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