16 08, 2013

Trail Cam Bucks!

2020-06-10T09:23:22-04:00August 16th, 2013|BigDeer, Deer Management|4 Comments

More and more pictures are rolling in. Send any you get, they get us all fired up for hunting season. I’ll never reveal the location.—M.H. This is a nice Southside VA 10-pointer. Love our VA bucks! Louis got this awesome, incredibly sharp shot of a pair of shooters. Bob sent two. The doe and fawns are a beautiful work of nature. Bob named this buck “Crowbar” and hopes to get a crack at him soon.

13 08, 2013

Hunters: Chlorophyll For Scent Control?

2020-06-10T09:23:22-04:00August 13th, 2013|BigDeer, Deer Hunting, Deer Management, Deer Science|3 Comments

Chlorophyll pills are sometimes prescribed to people with extreme bad breath or body odor. Some people use chlorophyll for detoxification, which is in vogue with the hip crowd today. About 30 years ago hunters picked up on this, and started using chlorophyll pills in an effort to help eliminate human odor at the metabolic level. Hunters also chewed gum containing chlorophyll to cut down on breath odor. I wonder if the green tablets or gum really worked for hunter scent control? Probably not, because you don’t see it or hear about it much anymore. Did any of you ever try the pills or gum? I never did, it just seemed over the top to me. My scent control has always [...]

12 08, 2013

Giant Typical 10-Pointer is Back!

2020-06-10T09:23:22-04:00August 12th, 2013|BigDeer, Deer Management|15 Comments

Back in early July Danny sent this picture of a big 10-pointer that showed up on his hunting property. “Hopefully he hangs around for a few more months," Danny wrote. I said it will be to fun to track this buck and see if Danny gets a crack at him. Update from Danny: Mike, here is what the 10-point has turned into.  WOW! I snapped this photo with my phone from my picture viewer. Unfortunately all the pics I got of him last week were between 12:00 am and 5:15 am. I’m hoping he goes back to evening activity by the time our September bow opener comes around. This picture is 20 yards from one of my stands! Beautiful buck, the symmetry [...]

7 08, 2013

Top 10 Tactics on BIG DEER TV!

2020-06-10T09:23:22-04:00August 7th, 2013|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Deer Hunting, Deer Management|3 Comments

Tonight on the show (8 and 11 PM Eastern on Sportsman Channel) I lay out my Top 10 whitetail tactics, one or a few of which I hope will help you shoot a giant this fall. Here’s an example from the script: # 3 Hunt Terrain, Not Sign (with graphic): “Many hunters find hot rubs and scrapes and rush out to hang a tree stand right beside it. Sometimes that works out, but there’s a better way to do it. Hot sign is obviously important because it tells you bucks are in the area and active. Then scout out from those rubs/scrapes/trails for 50 yards, 100, even 200 yards. Find those draws, creek crossings, points of ridges...that bucks have traveled for years, [...]

6 08, 2013

Deer Blood Trails: Did You Know?

2020-06-10T09:23:22-04:00August 6th, 2013|BigDeer, Bowhunting, Deer Hunting, Deer Management, Deer Science|2 Comments

Did you know that if you shoot a buck in a few weeks, he might not leave a heavy blood trail? Scientists say that in early fall deer have high levels of Vitamin K, which causes blood to clot quickly. Also, whitetails produce lots of B-endorphin that helps to heal wounds. So two things: Pick your shots carefully (you never want a one-lung hit and especially in the early season). And I recommend a big-cutting broadhead like the Rage; even if you hit a buck a little off, he’ll bleed and you’ll likely find him. Bottom line: If you put any broadhead/arrow in the right spot, through both lungs, a buck won’t go much farther than 60-70 yards, even if [...]

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