2 08, 2013

Funky Buck on Trail Cam!

2020-06-10T09:23:23-04:00August 2nd, 2013|BigDeer, Deer Management, Deer Science|5 Comments

Martie sent this crazy image and asked if I knew what was going on with this buck’s rack. I ran it by QDMA biologist Kip Adams, who said: “Hey Mike, those are the biggest drop tines I’ve ever seen on a spike! I know his right antler split but I couldn’t resist referencing a spike with drop tines! It looks like he injured both his main beams early in the growing season.  I’ve seen numerous bucks with a similar injury to one side of his rack, but never to both sides that occurred so low on the antlers.  Many times the pooling of blood in the downturned antlers causes them to break and fall off but this guy was lucky to [...]

31 07, 2013

Bucks Showing Up Big Time!

2020-06-10T09:23:23-04:00July 31st, 2013|BigDeer, Deer Management|1 Comment

Hopefully the blog is now back to normal as you expect it, and I plan to be blogging again with a vengeance daily. I’m told we’re still going to have to battle the spammers, who caused the problems with my site in the first place, and who continue to be a royal pain in the a--, but we’ll monitor as best we can. Thanks for your patience. Now on to the good stuff… It’s that time of summer when bucks come out of the woodwork, showing up in fields and pastures both morning and evening, posturing and eating. If you haven’t been looking/glassing/running trail cameras yet, start right now. Tanner sent these VA bucks, which I believe are showing up in his grandmother’s backyard. [...]

25 07, 2013

How to Shoot a Buck on 25 Acres

2020-06-10T09:23:23-04:00July 25th, 2013|BigDeer, Bowhunting, Deer Hunting, Deer Management|2 Comments

I got an email from a guy who just landed permission to hunt a 25-acre block of woods. He had 2 questions. Is that spot big enough to kill a good buck, and if so how should he hunt it? With bow season right around the corner, some of you might be in a similar situation. First, heck yeah, 25-50 of woods is big enough. Monsters are shot in small habitats like that every year in Illinois, Wisconsin and other states. But you’ve got to find out what kind of terrain, vegetation, etc. you’re dealing with. Right now is a good time to check the property. Spend a day and walk every inch of it; carry a note pad and [...]

18 07, 2013

Buck Science: Do Deer Look Up?

2020-06-10T09:23:23-04:00July 18th, 2013|BigDeer, Bowhunting, Deer Hunting, Deer Management, Deer Science|Comments Off on Buck Science: Do Deer Look Up?

I had an old Alabama redneck (term used fondly) tell me one time, “Boy, our deer walk around with their heads back, looking up in the trees, cause so many of their brothers and sisters and cousins have had an arrow run through ‘em!” If you have bowhunted pressured, spooky Southern deer you know what my old redneck friend is talking about. Biologists say a deer’s eyes are oriented to pick up predator movement at or just below the horizon. They say a deer is much less adept at picking up movement above the horizon, so you can get away with more movement in a tree stand than on the ground. Sometimes! But when an 8-pointer or old doe is [...]

11 07, 2013

Tom Taylor’s Wisconsin Bow Giant (226 4/8 Net)

2020-06-10T09:23:33-04:00July 11th, 2013|Big Deer Stories, BigDeer, Bowhunting, Deer Management|3 Comments

\ Next week we will be traveling across Wisconsin and filming hunters who have shot giant bucks, telling their stories and featuring their bucks for a special episode of BIG DEER TV to air later this fall. Here’s one of those bucks that appeared on the blog in 2010:   Tom Taylor has more than one reason to remember September 26, 2009. That was the day he was married—and the day a giant buck stepped in front of his trail camera. After Tom returned home from his Mexican honeymoon he retrieved the camera and couldn’t believe the image he saw. He named the gnarly-racked deer “Wedding Crasher.” The 09 season came and went, and Tom never saw the buck. The next [...]

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