14 09, 2016

Easy & Cheap Homemade Deer Blind

2020-06-10T09:16:46-04:00September 14th, 2016|Big Deer Stories, Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Gear Reviews|Comments Off on Easy & Cheap Homemade Deer Blind

From our friend Kclap in Virginia: Hello Mike, thought I'd pass along a few pics of a couple deer blinds we made out of old swing/play sets for kids. Start with the wooden frame of an old play set, similar to the picture below. The old sets we used were both headed to the landfill. You can often find free ones in local papers or on Craigslist. Add a few sheets of cheap plywood sides and roof with screws, match the paint to your hunting area and they're ready to go. The blinds are great for scent control and offer a steady shooting rest. Add a comfortable arm chair and you can sit and hunt all day. Good luck and safe [...]

1 09, 2016

Pick-Your-State Deer Skull Hangers

2020-06-10T09:16:46-04:00September 1st, 2016|Big Deer Stories, BigDeer, Gear Reviews|Comments Off on Pick-Your-State Deer Skull Hangers

I always get taxidermists to do my European mounts with no plaque. They look better and more natural with just skull and antlers, nice for setting in a corner, on a shelf, on a coffee table… Besides, I have never seen a wooden or steel wall skull mount that I like, until now. The State Skull Hanger from The Taxidermists’ Woodshop is a pretty cool idea. Pick the state where you killed the buck, and order that state’s hanger to display the skull/antlers on your wall. The 10” steel hangers come with a flat black finish (other finishes available). Screw hanger to the wall and slip the skull down on the peg hanger. I have not used or purchased one [...]

22 03, 2016

Honey Badger Wheel: New Meat Cart for Hunters

2020-06-10T09:16:49-04:00March 22nd, 2016|BigDeer, Gear Reviews|2 Comments

Out in Montana last fall, a guy came along with a little wheeled cart and helped me haul out the buck I’d just shot. I’d see such contraptions before, but had never used one. Well, that thing sure made it a lot easier to get my deer across a creek and back to the truck. I guess I had that hunt on my mind when I saw a press release for this new cart, which appears to have a better design and be more substantial than the one I used. I asked the company to send me some info and pictures to share with you, and here's what they said:      Hunters have been packing out deer, elk, sheep and [...]

5 02, 2016

Hunt Gear Review: Manfrotto Befree Tripod for Spotting Scope

2020-06-10T09:16:59-04:00February 5th, 2016|BigDeer, Gear Reviews|Comments Off on Hunt Gear Review: Manfrotto Befree Tripod for Spotting Scope

You need a spotting scope, a good one, when hunting for deer or elk out West, or when glassing for whitetails on prairies or in large grain fields in the Midwest and elsewhere. Without a spotter you might have to hike 3 miles and waste an hour to take a closer look at a buck or bull that you found with binoculars. Much more efficient is to glass an animal, set up a scope, zero and focus and determine quickly, “Nope, too small” or “Yes, a shooter let’s go!” Most big game hunters do well to select a good spotting scope, but then defeat their purpose by choosing a flimsy $50 tripod for it. Big mistake, because you can’t use [...]

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