From my friend Oneil Baillargeon, who enlisted the help of Anthony Springer as they looked for a huge muley buck for Oneil’s fiancé, Taylor Mills:
“Had an amazing week in southern Saskatchewan. Taylor was fortunate enough to draw a pretty special mule deer tag this year, so Anthony and I went down for a few days at the end of July to do some scouting and talk with landowners.
We came across “Big Smo” nearly 3 months ago, and went back to hunt him when the season opened. After putting over 30 miles on foot, and Taylor passing up a 170-class buck, and us sneaking into 40 yards of a 185-190″ buck that she decided wasn’t quite big enough, we were able to pinpoint Big Smo once again. A 4-hour wait at 100 yards for him to get up, a well-placed muzzleloader shot by Taylor, and the rest is history.”
Taylor says, “Five days, 35 miles on our boots and some pretty rugged terrain. None of that crosses my mind after being able to harvest this buck of a lifetime! I am more than thankful for all the help and hard work Oneil & Anthony put in and for capturing the whole story. Couldn’t ask for a better first Mule Deer Buck!”
The rack taped 205 2/8” green, way to go Taylor and Oneil, what a gorgeous buck!
G-I-A-N-T!!! Congrats Taylor!
Oneil has a good nose for big deer. He guided me 2 years ago and put me on a 300+lb 153″. Good dude.