Big Deer Blog

17 04, 2013

Maryland Monster Bow Buck, 194 5/8!

2020-06-10T09:23:36-04:00April 17th, 2013|Big Deer Stories, BigDeer, Bowhunting|3 Comments

  In September of 2010, Maryland bowhunter Luke Muldoon shot a double drop-tine monster that we had on the blog. Last November Luke killed this giant, which is another incredible achievement but, as I see it, the second best part of the story. Here’s the best part. Luke followed this buck around for 5 years, documenting the deer’s growth and maturity with a hand camera and trail cams as he scouted and hunted. Fascinating! A tremendous effort and great hunting, way to go man.    The buck first came around in late November of 2008. He was easy to differentiate from other deer because of the white circles around his eyes. That first year I saw him, I thought he [...]

15 04, 2013

5mm Remington Magnum

2020-06-10T09:23:37-04:00April 15th, 2013|BigDeer, Deer Guns & Loads, Predator Hunting|Comments Off on 5mm Remington Magnum

  Fresh off a successful coyote hunt last month in MT with our friend Luke Strommen (we saw and called to a bunch of critters and shot 3 for a special episode of Big Deer TV) Luke sent this photo that he dug out of his files: Mike: My brother and I called in this fox off the river bottom a few years ago. I shot him with my Remington 5mm Magnum rimfire. Have you ever heard of that cartridge? Way ahead of its time. I still have the rifle and this beautiful pelt. Go Big Deer Predator Team! I had heard of the 5mm, but I knew little about it. Some digging here revealed that the cartridge resembled a [...]

12 04, 2013

Minnesota: Broken-Rack ‘Lefty’ Buck

2020-06-10T09:23:37-04:00April 12th, 2013|Big Deer Stories, BigDeer|Comments Off on Minnesota: Broken-Rack ‘Lefty’ Buck

Thanks to Mark Birtzer for today’s guest post. Amazing the cool and unusual things that happen in the deer woods: Last November 8th during Southeast Minnesota's shotgun season, I started the day on one of my favorite stands: just inside the woods near a field corner, at the top of a steep coulee. Our hunting area consists of only 2 things: level crop fields, and wooded gullies that are so steep only a mountain goat could love them, but that tough terrain holds some really good bucks. Plus, 4 years of state-mandated Antler Point Restrictions have paid off in even more mature bucks being sighted every year. The wind that morning was forecast to be OK for my stand, but eventually [...]

11 04, 2013

36 Bucks Dead from EHD

2020-06-10T09:23:37-04:00April 11th, 2013|BigDeer, Deer Science, Shed Hunting|114 Comments

From my friend Mark Drury: Bitter sweet shed hunt (the other) weekend…we found some awesome Dream Sheds but EHD took some 36 bucks off of the (property).  Here are just a few of them. 2012 will go down as one of the worst years for hemorrhagic disease (mostly strains of a virus known as epizootic hemorrhagic disease or EHD, but which also includes the closely related blue tongue virus).   Have you found any dead bucks while you’re out knocking around the woods, looking for sheds or turkeys?

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