Big Deer Blog

14 05, 2013

Big Deer Shed: What Does It Score?

2020-06-10T09:23:36-04:00May 14th, 2013|BigDeer, Shed Hunting|36 Comments

  My buddy Brandon and his better half, Amanda, found this 6-point shed up in the Saskatchewan bush the other day. What do you think it scores? Take your time, rough it out and reply below. I'll catch up with Brandon a little later (he's bear hunting now) and get the score. I'll take the closest guesses, pick one, and send a Cabela's hat to the winner! BTW, very typical look for a mature antler from up there in the forest fringe habitat: thick with moderate tine length. Love that chocolate coloration.

13 05, 2013

Will Coyotes Eat Your Deer?

2020-06-10T09:23:36-04:00May 13th, 2013|BigDeer, Predator Hunting|7 Comments

Eddie Stevenson of the Big Deer Hunt Team texted from camp in Oklahoma last fall: Guy shot a nice buck, but coyotes found it before we did, meat half gone. Another text from Eddie 2 days later: Coyotes got another buck, this one in less than an hour and during middle of day…just like on the blog. A month earlier I had blogged about how coyotes were finding and devouring bowshot deer at an alarming rate. I asked people to share any such predator stories they had. Hunters from North Carolina to New York to Kansas wrote and confirmed that the new coyote problem is very real. Two more examples: ---a buddy of mine arrowed a 160 class buck one [...]

10 05, 2013

Wyoming: New State Record Buck, 170 3/8!

2020-06-10T09:23:36-04:00May 10th, 2013|Big Deer Stories, BigDeer|16 Comments

Shane Sanderson first saw the giant last July in a hayfield on his Fremont Co. cattle ranch. He was in a bachelor group with 2 other bucks, a good 8-pointer and another nice 10, but this buck with 10 tall points and long brows was seemingly from another world. “You just don’t see whitetails that size in Wyoming,” Shane told Shane watched and patterned the bucks for a month, and set a ground blind in the corner of the field where the bucks were popping out most evenings. On September 1, the bow opener, the monster 10 showed up like clockwork with some other deer, and Shane killed him at 35 yards. Shane reports that over the years he has [...]

9 05, 2013

Michigan: Sopsich Buck (182 1/8) New State Bow Record

2020-06-10T09:23:36-04:00May 9th, 2013|Big Deer Stories, BigDeer, Bowhunting, Deer Hunting, Deer Management|4 Comments

Read the full story at Michigan Outdoor News; here are the highlights: Around Halloween last year in Oakland County, Robert Sopsich, Sr. told sons, Robert Jr. and Danny, that a neighbor had seen a giant buck in a field nearby. The rut was coming on, the bucks were on their feet and they needed to get out in the woods. November 2, Robert Jr. was sneaking along the edge of some pines when he saw the buck walking on the edge of a field. “He was cutting across the field, quartering away from me,” Sopsich told Michigan Outdoor News. “He was walking, then he stopped and I was already drawn back... I only have one pin on my bow – it’s [...]

8 05, 2013

Is U.S. Gov’t. Hoarding Ammo for Gun Control?

2020-06-10T09:23:36-04:00May 8th, 2013|BigDeer, Deer Hunting, Hunting News|10 Comments

Is our out-of-control federal government (most notably Big Sis at DHS) buying up all the ammunition so that we law-abiding shooters and home defenders can’t get any, in effect going through the back door to get the gun control they want? If you don’t have any ammo, why have a gun? U.S. Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) believes so. He told the Daily Caller: “I believe it’s intentional. Now we had someone testify the other day the DHS, the Department of Homeland Security, has the ‘right’ — this is a bureaucrat that said this — they have the ‘right’ to buy as much as they want, and they’re planning to buy 750 million rounds. Well, that is more than three times [...]

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