Big Deer Blog

30 04, 2013

2012-13 Whitetail Harvest Data

2020-06-10T09:23:36-04:00April 30th, 2013|BigDeer, Hunting News|6 Comments

The Pennsylvania Game Commission has reported that hunters killed an estimated 343,110 deer during the 2012-13 season, an increase of about 2 percent over the previous year. Hunters shot 133,860 bucks and 209,250 antlerless deer. In my home state of Virginia, 213,597 deer were reported shot, including 96,712 antlered bucks, 18,061 button bucks and 98,781 does. The 2012 kill was down 8% from the previous year. Post your state’s harvest data from last season so we can build a database and see and compare figures. Looking back, how was your season? Was the kill up or down? Your observations as to why?

26 04, 2013

Realtree Camo Bikinis

2020-06-10T09:23:36-04:00April 26th, 2013|BigDeer|2 Comments

The press release reads: “The 2013 Realtree Camo Swimwear Collection mixes western flair with an outdoors feel in flirty and fun designs ideal for lounging poolside or playing on the beach. The camo swimwear collection includes camo bikini tops and bottoms, one-pieces and tankinis that reflect the hottest colors trends of the season. Mix and match the pieces for your own unique look and for a fit that best flatters your figure.” Which one will you buy for your wife or girlfriend?

24 04, 2013

Alberta Wolf!

2020-06-10T09:23:36-04:00April 24th, 2013|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Predator Hunting|Comments Off on Alberta Wolf!

In the TV business this is what we call a "screen grab," an image pulled from a video clip. I was reviewing the footage that we shot in Alberta last fall and got to thinking: Man, I am lucky to have hunted in all the places and seen all the things I have over the years...I never take that for granted. I was stalking some deer when that big wolf came lumbering up the tree line. Actually, there were 2 wolves, but we only got the one on film. What an experience, just seeing that ultimate symbol of the wild! It moves you inside, makes you tingle. Some people have asked why I didn't take a shot at it. Well, I didn't have [...]

22 04, 2013

Boone & Crockett Measuring Guide

2020-06-10T09:23:36-04:00April 22nd, 2013|BigDeer, Deer Hunting, Deer Management|12 Comments

The Boone and Crockett Club’s Field Guide to Measuring and Judging Big Game is a solid reference book, one I refer to a lot. It has good tips and advice for: 1) how to field-judge a buck better than you ever have on the hoof; and 2) how to rough score that rack reliably once you've shot a deer dead and have him back at the house.   There's info not only for whitetails and mule deer, but also for antelope, caribou, elk, bears…any big game animal you hunt. There’s even a chapter on judging and scoring a walrus skull if you ever do that :) At $25, a bargain for your bookshelf.

19 04, 2013

Photo: Does Flying Around

2020-06-10T09:23:36-04:00April 19th, 2013|BigDeer, Deer Management|2 Comments

Mark saw this somewhere on the Internet and sent it to me: Mike, I don't know what kind of trail cam that is, but I want one! Look at the clarity of that picture! What do you think? Well, I don't know of any cam with a shutter speed that fast, so don't really know what's up with that pic. Cool-looking though.

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