4 04, 2024

Miracle in the Michigan Deer Woods

2024-04-01T10:43:44-04:00April 4th, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Deer Hunting, Hunting News, whitetail deer|Comments Off on Miracle in the Michigan Deer Woods

A man hunting in the U. P. one day last season made a miraculous recovery after a tree fell on him, likely due to high winds in the area. Two officers with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources received a call and were dispatched to the scene. The helped get the hunter out of the woods and to a local emergency room, where he was reportedly in critical condition. According to reports, doctors told the family the man may not walk again after he underwent surgery on his head and vertebrae. But according to an update in January, the hunter regained movement in his limbs and has stood up for the first time since the accident. Doctors at the hospital [...]

1 04, 2024

Pennsylvania Deer Harvest Up 2 % in 2023-24

2024-04-01T10:32:31-04:00April 1st, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Bowhunting, Hunting News, sportsman channel, whitetail deer|Comments Off on Pennsylvania Deer Harvest Up 2 % in 2023-24

The Pennsylvania Game Commission reports that hunters harvested an estimated 430,010 whitetails last season.  The statewide buck harvest was estimated at 171,600, while the antlerless harvest was about 258,410. The 20023-24 harvest is 2% greater than that of 2022-23, and 4% higher than the total harvest seen as a three-year average. As for last season’s buck kill, it was by 5% over 2022-23, and up 6% over the three-year average. Overall, 27% of deer hunters shot a buck. That was a slight increase over 2022-23’s 26% success rate, and up significantly from the 15% success rate seen as recently as 2007-08. The majority of bucks harvested are older than in decades past, too. Before antler point restrictions, most of the [...]

27 03, 2024

Deer Hunter Numbers Are Declining Again

2024-03-27T09:42:23-04:00March 27th, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Deer Hunting, Hunting News, sportsman channel, whitetail deer|1 Comment

Numerous studies documented a 4.9% increase in hunting license sales from 2019 to 2020. One of the few bright spots of COVID was that it produced a rekindled interest in deer hunting across the United States as people sought to get outside, and try to harvest their own food. But an extensive study of 46 states in 2022 found that overall hunting license sales decreased by approximately 1.9% in 2021 compared to 2020. Resident license sales were down 4.0% in many states. And yet another new study finds this troubling trend is continuing. The Wisconsin Department of Naturals Resources studied 18 years of detailed license data. Software used in the study allowed the DNR to track and analyze the ages, [...]

19 03, 2024

Have You Ever Had Buck Fever?

2024-03-19T07:44:03-04:00March 19th, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Deer Hunting, Hunting News, sportsman channel, trijicon|Comments Off on Have You Ever Had Buck Fever?

“It’s telltale adrenaline surge is so instant and convulsive that a blood-pressure check at that moment would bust the machine that takes it,” wrote Robert Ruark in his 1953 classic, The Old Man and the Boy. The legendary author was referring to buck fever, a malady which can affect us all in different ways. A mild case of it is good and required--if our heart doesn’t jump and our nerves don’t rattle a bit when we see a heavy 8-pointer sneaking through the woods on a frosty November morning, then why are we out there? But a bad case of the fever, with uncontrollable shaking, heavy sweat and gasping for breath, can not only ruin a hunt, but in the [...]

15 03, 2024

Should Poison Be Used to Control Feral Hogs?

2024-03-15T09:26:51-04:00March 15th, 2024|Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Hunting News, Predator Hunting, sportsman channel|Comments Off on Should Poison Be Used to Control Feral Hogs?

Texas recently approved the use of a warfarin-based toxicant called Kaput in its ongoing battle (and seemingly futile) war to control wild hogs. This action has spurred renewed discussion on the research and developments surrounding feral hog toxicants. Should other Southern states try them to control their out-of-control swine herds? Alabama’s Wildlife and Freshwater Director Chuck Sykes said at the present time he is not sold on the idea that Kaput is the best solution to a difficult problem. “Based on the data we have now, I’m not in support of it. There are a lot of questions about the use of toxicants. We’ve been working with the USDA for more than five years on the use of sodium nitrite.” [...]

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