Big Deer Blog

8 03, 2013

RARE Trail-Cam Photo: Florida Panther!

2020-06-10T09:23:38-04:00March 8th, 2013|BigDeer, Deer Management, Predator Hunting|120 Comments

Look what longtime BIG DEER blogger Vinnie got on one of his cameras: Here is something you don’t get on your trail cam every day…a FL panther! I wish I would have got his or her head in the picture though. Very, very rare. Odds on getting one on camera, especially in daytime? Just doesn’t happen very often. Rare is an understatement, I’d say astronomical. According to Wikipedia, in 2011 there were but an estimated 100 to 160 Florida panthers living in the wild.

7 03, 2013

New Jersey Public-Land Buck

2020-06-10T09:23:38-04:00March 7th, 2013|Big Deer Stories, BigDeer, Bowhunting, Deer Management|12 Comments

Longtime blogger Jeff Herrmann filed this recap of his 2012 season: I do not have access to private land here in New Jersey, so I am limited to hunting public land. If that were not challenging enough, I decided to limit my hunting to a compound or crossbow last season to take advantage of opportunities where gun hunting would not be allowed. The season started off well with several decent bucks on my cams. When I say “decent bucks” I am referring to public-land bucks in NJ which are hunted for 6 months a year. On the public properties few bucks live past 2.5 years old; average rack scores often top out in the 100” range. I hunted 2 to [...]

6 03, 2013

Kansas: Monster Buck Dead from EHD

2020-06-10T09:23:38-04:00March 6th, 2013|BigDeer, Deer Science, Shed Hunting|3 Comments

  From the Buckmasters Facebook page:   Buckmasters and the BTR announce the biggest buck of 2012! We verified this is a wild, free-roaming buck and not an escapee from a deer farm. Unfortunately, it was the victim of EHD and found by someone in Kansas who wishes to remain anonymous, recovered with an official salvage tag.  

5 03, 2013

Virginia: Amy’s First Buck

2020-06-10T09:23:38-04:00March 5th, 2013|Big Deer Stories, BigDeer|1,281 Comments

  Thanks to longtime blogger Cody for this report: Mike: My brother and I started hunting years ago with my dad and a few other family members. I live for it. I still get as excited now when I kill or even see deer as I did when I first started. I go every chance I get. My sister Amy, 26, didn't have any interest in hunting until a couple years ago, even though we had tried to get her to go when she was younger. She killed 2 does on drives a couple years ago, and was hooked. My dad got Amy her own rifle for Christmas a year ago, so she was more than ready for the 2012 [...]

1 03, 2013

4-Year-Old Kid Finds Biggest Shed Yet

2020-06-10T09:23:38-04:00March 1st, 2013|BigDeer|5 Comments

Longtime blogger Necbone sent this: Hey Mike, shed season here in southern Illinois is in full swing. My little boy and I had a pretty successful weekend. Briar, who is just 4, found his first shed of the year. It's not the first one he’s ever found, but definitely his biggest. Keep up the good work Mike. Way to Briar…dig those binoculars buddy!

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