Big Deer Blog

15 03, 2013

Unicorn Buck Deer

2020-06-10T09:23:37-04:00March 15th, 2013|Big Deer Stories, BigDeer, Deer Science|Comments Off on Unicorn Buck Deer

A fellow sent this photo and wondered if it was BS or legit. Well, this is either a hoax (tine stuck on deer's nose) or a unicorn. How common or rare is a unicorn buck? Is it possible a tine could grow out of the buck's forehead? Short answer, yes, tines can and do grow there. Mickey Hellickson, one of the top whitetail scientists in the world, says: It is caused by trauma to the frontal bone. This entire region of the skull is capable of growing antler, and if an area of the frontal bone is injured (such as a tine puncture from another buck) the trauma may cause an antler to grow from the injury.  Interestingly, researchers have even experimentally caused antlers to [...]

14 03, 2013

Kansas: Double-Drop Monster Buck, 178 6/8

2020-06-10T09:23:37-04:00March 14th, 2013|Big Deer Stories, BigDeer, Bowhunting|Comments Off on Kansas: Double-Drop Monster Buck, 178 6/8

My dream buck, double drops on a massive main-frame 8. Michael Morgan shot the giant with his bow last Nov. 6 on leased land in Kansas. North American Whitetail has the story. Man, what a beast. My obsession for a dropper hasn’t waned, but has only gotten stronger, though I fear I’ll never get one.  

12 03, 2013

BIG DEER TV Helps Maryland Bowhunter Shoot Biggest Buck

2020-06-10T09:23:37-04:00March 12th, 2013|Big Deer Stories, Big Deer TV, BigDeer, Bowhunting|1,029 Comments

Hi Mike: I shot this deer in Calvert County, Maryland one evening last October. It is the biggest buck I have killed to date, and to get it with the bow makes it more special.   I shot him on a 25-acre parcel that I lease from a friend of mine. He came in around 6 pm, walking right down a trail toward me. He turned slightly behind some cover at 10 yards and I drew my bow. Right before I got ready to release the arrow he looked up and busted me! Not sure if he heard me or saw my movement, but he took off across the creek and stopped on the other side, perfectly broadside, next to [...]

11 03, 2013

Ohio: Long-Tined Bow Buck, 166”

2020-06-10T09:23:37-04:00March 11th, 2013|Big Deer Stories, BigDeer|2 Comments

Kyle Danflous, whose son, Devin, shot a 200-class giant with a 20-gauge shotgun in 2011, tells us about the big buck he killed with his bow last fall: Hey Mike: On the morning of Oct. 20th I slipped into my blind around 6:45, a good 45 minutes before legal shooting time here in Ohio. It was rainy with a good overcast, so conditions were actually favorable. I hadn’t seen a thing until this guy came in at 7:45. I’m certain he was cruising for does. He came by in a light prance, and when he neared bow range I gave a soft grunt. He stopped at 15 yards, and I released the arrow. I knew I made a good shot, because I [...]

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